Pancake day (Pannenkoeken dag) in Amsterdam

“Do you celebrate Pancake day in the Netherlands?”, I asked the waitress at breakfast this morning. She didn’t seem to know immediately, that it was indeed Pannenkoeken dag (Dutch for Pancake day). But I guess working in “The Pancake Bakery” makes every day Pancake day in Amsterdam! Also referred to as Shrove Tuesday (mainly in English-speaking […]

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Bum guns on my travels and why I recommend you give one a try

I’m a bum gun convert! There, I’ve admitted it. I’ve joined the cult. And I’m embracing this new religion. Bum guns on my travels are definitely a thing. Humour aside, I’m not confessing to anything untoward. Many other travellers through South East Asia have done the same during their time there. Look it up, there […]

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