
world map showing Tiggerbird's Travel destinations

Welcome to Tiggerbird’s Travels – where I share ways to get creative on your travels, along with travel news and advice.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic I would travel whenever I could. However I’ve been exploring the UK more these past couple of years.

My travel style

I still have a fair bit of the World to cover but often spend time reminiscing and returning to places to get under the skin of local life. Ticking boxes isn’t a priority when I travel but I do enjoy experiencing new places, whether that is at home (in the UK) or overseas. I prefer to search out places off the beaten track, even in destinations on the beaten track.

Doing something creative and crafty on my travels would put me in my element, so this is where I consider myself unique to many other travellers and travel bloggers. I’m always on the lookout for an opportunity to make, create or experience traditional or hand made techniques and share these experiences on my blog and Instagram posts. Often when travelling these sorts of opportunities take a bit of effort to find. So sometimes, when time is limited, it’s more a case of collecting bits and bobs from my travels to take home and include in my smashbook (scrapbook) or to use in a creative project.

I’m a strong believer in giving something back, so when time permits I will find opportunities to volunteer or do something for the local community. The experience can be humbling, hard work and eye opening, but this really gives my travels some meaningful purpose. Plus there is always a good story to tell, and some advice or news to share along the way. Read more about this on my Volunteering page.

When back home in the UK, I enjoy searching out something a little different. You will find plenty of my posts from London and some with an unusual perspective, as the UK has surprised me with the variety of things to see, do and experience. There is always a lot more on your doorstep than you realise.

My writing

At the beginning, I kept a hand written journal and blog to share stories and photos from my travels with friends and family back home. So, for a long time these were just the ramblings of a solo traveller. However, as I met people on my travels and shared my experiences online, my posts were getting more and more visitors.

After someone suggested that the information I had collated, might be useful to like minded travellers, I set up a website and Tiggerbird Travel’s became a little more focussed on sharing news and advice that I have picked up along the way. Why Tiggerbird, well that is a story for another post.

You will find information from specific countries under the Destination menu, which I’m working on refining. In the meantime please use the categories filter to search for posts on a particular destination, as there are plenty more under there.

Feel free to get in touch and ask my view or advice on anything travel or related. I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by.