Staying sane when not travelling

With all this talk of “that free time” and “learn a new skill”, I’ll be completely honest: I’m the busiest I’ve been in a long time and have to fight for a healthy balance to not drown in work. Time off just isn’t an option!

Just like many others, I had to cancel my holiday. Keeping a lid on the sheer frustration of lack of freedom, is difficult. I have been trying to find time to “travel” in a creative way and even manage to maintain some level of sanity doing this, or just switching off. But sometimes it all gets a bit much.

So for anyone else that is feeling just a little bit – meh! Please make sure you find some ways to look after yourself and improve your mental well-being during this time.

From those with children to home school, who have to juggle a workload. To those who have completed all the little jobs around the house and have little left to do. It doesn’t matter what you are dealing with, or how you are spending your time. Right now our lives are not normal, and how you are feeling needs re-balancing from time to time.

For me, travel usually helps maintain the balance, but obviously not being able to actually go anywhere right now, is difficult. Here’s a few ways to help with staying sane when not travelling


Getting up, eating, exercising, sleeping – you need to create a routine, taking each day at a time. Prioritise tasks, and set aside blocks of time to complete them. If you have time, do something creative or learn a new skill and schedule time in to do this. Make time for yourself.

stay sane with a routine

Meditation and mindfulness

It only take a few minutes to find your inner stillness through meditation. The more you try it the easier it becomes. Build meditation and mindfulness into your routine and make it part of your day.

stay sane and meditate

Take a break

Whether this is from work, from other members of your household, or whatever it is that you are doing. Even if this is doing nothing or sitting in front of a screen/device. Break up the day – take a break and do something different every couple of hours.


Go for a walk (maybe flaneur), take a yoga class or be active in whatever way you can. If you are able to go outside, the light and fresh air will do you the world of good. Walking in particular can have a positive impact on your well-being. Why not get competitive or challenge others to get involved.


stay sane and exercise

Stay in touch

Touching base with friends and family, via email, the telephone or through the use of a chat app. Video calls are becoming the norm, but keep the calls short as it can get tiring.

Limit your reading

It’s important to stay up to date with the news, but it can be overwhelming. The endless barage of social media content and communications from friends, family and everyone else can get a bit much. Set a time limit for your reading and try to prioritise reliable sources.

Eat healthily

At a time like this eating is many peoples comfort. Baking is becoming the norm, but do try to eat heathily when you can. Fruit, vegetables and plenty of water should feature in your diet, every day.

Do what you can and look after yourself

By doing nothing, you are doing something. Don’t be harsh on yourself if you are not as productive as usual. Just do what you can, look after yourself and remember, we will come out the other side.

Experience travel

If like me, you need a travel fix, why not check back for some of my recent posts:

Get out and get some fresh air, and geocache
6 ways to experience travel without leaving the house
When you can’t travel: Take virtual tours
Get creative from your travels
Play games to experience travel

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